UCLG-MEWA Newsletter-5

UCLG-MEWA Management Visited Embassy of Kuwait in Ankara 15.07.2014

UCLG-MEWA Management Visited Embassy of Kuwait in Ankara

Mehmet Duman, United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA) Secretary General and Mohamed ALMAHLI, project officer visited the Embassy of Kuwait in Ankara on May 13, 2014. Counsellor and Deputy Mission Chief Mr. Jasem ALNAJEM welcomed the committee on the behalf of the Kuwait Embassy.

During the visit, UCLG-MEWA publications and letter of invitation for the Kuwaiti municipalities were presented to Mr. Jasem ALNAJEM. Secretary General Mehmet Duman provided information about the works of UCLG-MEWA. The meeting ended with a commemorative photo and presentation of a plaque.