Becoming a Member
In line with the categories of members and other provisions, local authorities become members of UCLG World Organization. UCLG-MEWA does not have a separate membership system, wherein local authorities from the countries in the MEWA region becoming members of the World Organization simultaneously become entitled to UCLG-MEWA membership.
Although membership application can be made directly to the World Organization, in order to ensure a coordinated and mutually-supportive functioning of the Regional Section, applications are mediated by UCLG-MEWA in its geographical area, and simultaneous membership is encouraged within the World Organization and UCLG-MEWA.
The application and admission for membership are stipulated in the following articles of the UCLG-MEWA Constitution:
Article 17
Applications for local government, international organization and associate membership shall be decided by the World Executive Bureau, whose task is to ensure that applicants meet the relevant requirement for membership. All applicants for membership must undertake to support, promote and adhere to the World Organization's mission, values and objectives.
Article 18
An applicant complying with the relevant requirements for membership has a right to apply for membership in the World Organization, directly at world level. For the sake of good coordination however, UCLG-MEWA shall be consulted on applications coming from its geographical area. Simultaneous membership shall be encouraged within the World Organization and UCLG-MEWA.