UCLG-MEWA Newsletter-5

Categories of Membership

The categories of membership are delineated in the following articles of the UCLG-MEWA Constitution:


Article 6                                Categories of membership

In parallel with the World Organization, UCLG-MEWA consists of the following categories of members:

  1. Local government members;
  2. Sub-regional sections;
  3. International organization members;
  4. Associate members;
  5. Honorary members.

Article 7                                Local government members

Local government membership of UCLG-MEWA shall be open to:

  1. Individual cities and local governments;
  2. Local governments as Institutional/Program members, in addition to regular/individual membership, in order to provide multi-faceted capacity development support to individual members who would like to take part in programs or projects implemented by UCLG-MEWA.
  3. National/regional associations of local government.

Article 8                                Sub-regional sections

Sub-regional sections of UCLG-MEWA, recognised in accordance with the provisions of this constitution, are members as of right.

Article 9                                International organization members

International organization membership of UCLG-MEWA shall be open to international local government organizations which represent specific categories of local governments, and/or whose purposes relate to specific sectoral or thematic issues.

Article 10              Associate members

Associate membership of UCLG-MEWA shall be open to organizations which, though not themselves local government organizations, are strongly concerned with or involved in local government matters.

Article 11              Honorary members

Honorary membership may be granted to individuals or institutions who have rendered distinguished service to UCLG-MEWA or to the cause of democratic local government. Nominations for Honorary membership shall be made by the UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and approved by the UCLG-MEWA Council.