UCLG-MEWA Newsletter-5

100 years of ACTION - 10 years of UNITY 15.04.2014

100 years of ACTION - 10 years of UNITY

United Cities and Local Governments World Secretariat is launching a competition open to everyone, to design a poster illustrating the 10th Anniversary theme of the organisation.

The idea is to represent two key dates for local and regional governments in one image: the Centenary of the International Municipal Movement that took place in 2013, together with the celebration of the 10th anniversary of UCLG in 2014. UCLG is bringing together these two celebrations because the Organization is the direct inheritor of the International municipal movement, uniting the main associations of local and regional governments from all corners of the world, into one organization. 

The celebration of our first decade symbolizes the decisive steps made by local and regional government at global level to conquer new international spaces in an increasingly urban world. The chosen poster, which should include the slogan ‘100 years of action, 10 years of unity’, should represent the road travelled so far with views of a new horizon. It should symbolize social change, and the challenges and opportunities that are felt in the world’s streets.

The winning poster will be the image of the commemoration of this anniversary throughout 2014.

Good luck!