Etkinlik Takvimi
UCLG-MEWA Newsletter-5

Tribute to Rudolf Hauter 4.07.2013

Tribute to Rudolf Hauter

Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends,

On behalf of United Cities and Local Governments and Middle East and West Asia Section,

I regret to have been informed that former Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific Section, Mr. Rudolf HAUTER passed away on Sunday 30 June.

During his many years of services, he distinguished himself thanks to his tangible and valuable contribution to the UCLG works. We highly valued his dedication to this organisation and he will always be remembered. 

I extend my condolence to UCLG-ASPAC Team. Our deepest sympathy, thoughts and sadness go to him and his family.


Mehmet DUMAN
UCLG-MEWA Secretary General